We scour the web daily for examples of exemplary charity or kindness (or both) between regular folks, so we can share them with you and hopefully inspire you to do the same.

What types of acts are we looking for?

To get to the next level, we really need your help.

Media Reports

It’s fairly impossible for us to see media reports on every act of kindness, so if you see something great, please send us the web link to the article or social media post.

Something You’ve Witnessed in Your Daily Life

Also, if you witness something yourself, and have a photo or video that records the kind act, please send that to us for wide exposure (make sure it’s OK with those people depicted), since we’d never be able to access that sort of story ourselves.

Something You’ve Done

And, most of all, we want to hear from YOU! What kind acts are you doing every day? We’d love to know what little (or big) things you or someone you love has done for others. Your stories will serve to inspire others to follow in your footsteps. Together, we can spread positivity and kindness that we hope will have far-reaching effects. Use your creativity and heart, and let’s give everyone some good and practical ideas!

Share an Act of Kindness